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25 dec 2016


At the end of World War 2 a huge number of NAZI scientists were recruted, and were transported to the United States.
It was called:

Nazi warcriminals didn't go to the Nürenberg Trials,but were secretly cleared bij the USA !
One of them, Werner von Brown became a well known rocket scientist and was responsible for the NASA achievments, but also build the V2 rocket which killed people in great Britain!
The citizens of the US were unaware of those facts and were kept in the dark.
Wasn't that a warcrime ?
Protecting warcriminals, when you think of the victims is unacceptable but the USA didn't care!
Fact: Prescott Bush financed the Nazi,s...his son George Bush sr became President and also his son George W. Bush.
So there is a direct line to the nazi ideology!
That,s why the Bush family wants a one world governement..and
they cal it " The New World Order " but in fact it,s the same idea that Adolf Hitler had !

How is it possible that the Nazi, Adolf Heusinger became Nato,s Chief of Staff ?

The answer is simple: We think the Nazi,s lost WW2, but in fact...they continued in the USA !
Every year there is a BILDERBERG meeting with heads of states, corporate CEO,Bankers and invited guests...ALL in deep secret !

In a transparant governement, although it should be, it,s a disturbing fact that members of governement visit Bilderberg but don,t talk about,s undemocratic and suggests that there are strange things going on.
BILDERBERG started in 1954 to support and improve the relations with the US !
One of the key persons who was involved in Bilderberg was the NAZI husband of Queen Juliana, German Prins Bernhard, who was a NSDAP ( NAZI ) member since1933.
He was also the ex bodyguard of ADOLF HITLER.
Prins Bernhard also worked for IG FARBEN...IG FARBEN created Cyklon B, the gas that was used in the gaschambers !

It doesn,t need much imagination to suggest that Prins Bernhard wanted to support his NAZI friends in the US through the Bilderberg!
By the way..the "paperclip nazi,s " funded the CIA and NASA !
NAZI ideologie in theUSA was the consequence of the seizure of those warcriminals!

2016: Germany opens it,s doors for so called refugees.
In a later stage they are called immigrants !
By calling them refugees the governements created a false picture of the real situation..and my guess it was on purpose !
No special arguments there so governements could send them back
without compromising the UNHCR declaration for refugees !
That,s exactly what they didn't do....and therefore destabalizing the economy of several countrys !

The " new world order "... has a way of doing things!
By creating Fear, Chaos, and " False Flag " operations, blaming the terrorists, they hope to achief a situation that the nations will chose for the One World Governement !

Disturbing is the fact that members of governement vist the Bilderberg meetings....the " We support the nazi,s " secret society !

Countrys like germany and the Netherlands do not protect the population by closing the borders...ofcourse not...they WANT chaos and an unsecure feeling of the citizens...because they are
in favorit of the One World Governement....and that is TREASON !
Taking back your country is the best thing to do...!
Changing the political system is a step we have to take...because politicians betray the citizens on a massive scale !

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